A historic view

feb 28, 2013 | Aktuellt

For some of you it might appear as a surprise, but it´s still a fact that we, throughout the years, have released around 2500 songs. So therefor I thought this could be the right time to dig in to that catalogue and perhaps discover songs that has been forgotten, songs that we used to like and still do now when we´re listen to them once again.

In other words, from time to time I´ll give you ”This weeks top of the world track from A West Side Fabrication, in a historical perspective”.

First out is ”For My Own Good” by a Shrine. A song that originally was released back in 1996 and appeared on their album ”Unisex”.

A Shrine started up as a classic guitar noise indie pop band from the northern parts of Sweden, in the footsteps of acts like Popsicle and The Bear Quartet. But only after a few years after their first own release ”Li & Friends” they completely changed direction and ”For My Own Good” is taken from their new area of sound. The song itself could be described as some kind of white soul with beautiful harmonies and cool beats. A laid back track, a perfect song when you´re on the road.

On Spotify: A Shrine – For My Own Good

WiMP: http://wimpmusic.se/track/461049

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/for-my-own-good/id209709246?i=209710193