The High Fives

maj 12, 2015 | Gamla vänner

The earliest THF song saw the first light of day in 2006 in the small industrial town of Katrineholm. Five guys got together to see if they could create some cool sounding pop music, and as it turned out, they could, and the word about THF spread quickly. After a few months the guys started doing gigs in Katrineholm and the neighbouring cities and their energetic music and frenetic onstage performance made them stand out.
In the early spring of 2007 they got a call from what, at the time was the biggest musicfestival in Sweden – Hultsfredsfestivalen, and was asked to perform at their rookie tour in the spring. They were voted best band on the tour, which resulted in a gig at the festival. In the summer they started to record an album, ”Work Of Art” which was released in early 2008 and got good reviews in the swedish press. Radio plays and tv performances started coming in and some of the more prestigious music magazines started writing about them. The guys were playing gigs all over Sweden now, and some of the biggest festivals in the country.
In the end of 2009 the band took a break, a long break…… Now 2015, the music climate has changed but THF hasn’t changed a bit. In may their releasing a double single called ”The Show Goes On” and ”I should Have Killed Myself Last Time You Said I Love You”. More songs will be recorded this summer.
That’s all for now.
