A West Side
Alexia Enberg
At last on Spotify as well, "only" two weeks late: Unknown Album
David Josephson
- David, since you’re a new artis on our roster I thought I might as well ask you a couple of questions. First of all, who are David Josephson?-I’m a Swedish songwriter with literary ambitions in his early 30´s. I’m also - amongst other things - an actor...
New single
Tomorrow we'll release a new single. A new single from a new acquaintance named David Josephson. His single is called "Drömmaskinen" (the Dream machine) and is a beautiful piece about his love of two cities, the one he has left (Stockholm) and the one where he now...
As notice
Been writing about Alexia Enberg's excellent debut "For you" lately, and it seems that other folks like it as well.Here is a few links that we would like to...
Same three..
Our three most played tracks on Spotify during november were exact the same three, in exact same order, as previously month.If you forgot which ones, are interested in listen to them, just use this link: Nov 2013
On the day
On the day (yesterday to be completely honest) three years ago we released this single from a great indie-pop band, a band that I do not know what they're up to these days, unfortunately. So until I hear from them again we can always listen to their songs, is totally...
A summary of the year 2013
A new year has begun which of course will include loads of new releases from us. First out will be a fantastic debut single (For you) by Alexia Enberg, but much more about that later.What I instead would like to share with you is a summary of our releases from the...
Most played…
Down below you have a link to our three most streamed songs on Spotify in October. "Valentine" by Lars Ludvig Löfgren is still numer one but their is a newcomer on the second spot, a really cool song if you ask me.Interested in which one, just use this link: Okt 2013
It's just gone a couple of weeks since we released Popterror's latest single, "Skogsbilväg", together with a computer game (http://spel.popterror.se). Next week, on Tuesday, it's time again for a new and truly awesome single from this Northern sextet, a single called...
This is our most popular songs…
Our most popular songs on Spotify, in Sweden, during September are these three (use this link to listen to them, on Spotify): Sep 2013And for the first time since I don't know when have Oh My dropped from first place. Instead Lars Ludvig Löfgren's beautiful pop-song...
16 years ago…
Nearly on the day 16 years ago we released this six track mid CD from our skate pop punk band Carpe Wade (later shorted to WADE). A CD which besides a version of their hit song "Elvis" contained five cover recordings of the King, like a tribute to the one and only you...
Within a couple of weeks a new Popterror single will be alive and available, a single named "Svart som natten" (Dark as the night).Before that why don't check out their old school computer game "Skogsbilväg" (Forest road), a game made specially for their latest, and...
100% naturligt
Riktig musik
A West Side Fabrication got a cooler sounding name!
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