A West Side
Oh My! once again…
Here is a brand new cool video (link) from then, taken from their self titled single; http://vimeo.com/39185202
Next week, we'll give you this one;
In other countries
There are quite a few existing stream services these days, services that count back to us, which of course are great. The most important one, still, for us in Sweden at least, are of course Spotify. Its also nice to see that more and more of our material is used...
For all you Oh My! lovers..
On their self titled vinyl single Oh My! included a previously unreleased song called "Sunshine In Your Eyes". Now is this beautiful pop-tune available on Spotify. So why don't you give it a spin or two: Oh My! – Sunshine In Your Eyes
Stolen Deer
At last is their latest single, taken from the forthcoming album "Morning Peasant", available on Spotify. Listen to it here: Stolen Deer – How You Always Seem to Find Me
A new acquaintance from us
Next week we'll release a new single, a new single from a new act on A West Side Fabrication. So therefor I thought I might as well ask them a couple of questions, so you all now a little bit more about them;First of all, who are you answering these questions,...
On Spotify in January
You've heard it before, but it's still a fact, they are still there. The two most listened songs from us on Spotify in January is the same two since October last year. Oh My!'s "Time Will Tell" followed by their second single "I Know You", so no change there. But on...
Point of view
The political pop is not dead yet, damn it! This spring we'll be on the barricades once again with some new and cool releases. So please remove the dust from all your proper markers, since there's no time for sleep, we must and will hit back.
Oh My!
Today is the day when Oh My! start to record what will later turn out as their debut-album, which indeed is a very important release for us. Since we started to work together, in less than a year, so much fun has happen that we can only keep our fingers crossed that...
What’s up right now!
Its been quite a slow start of the year 2012 when it comes to West Side Fabrication and new releases, although Oh My!'s new and marvelous "Fifteen Minutes" are doing more than okay. But if the beginning has been slow, we'll soon shit gear and heading for top speed...
Oh My!
Now it's about time to order your vinyl copy of Oh My!'s fantastic three track single "OH MY!". It will be official released Wednesday the 29th, but as soon as we receive you order we'll send it o you.So just follow this link, if you're...
Dec 2011
This is what have been used most from us on Spotify in December (the link below). And yes, two of these songs should be quite familiar to you since they been hanging on this top-three list for quite some time now. In fact, the top two is the same two songs as last...
100% naturligt
Riktig musik
A West Side Fabrication got a cooler sounding name!
De stora artisterna
På det lilla lokala bolaget
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