A West Side
For those of you who want to check out old and new videos from us, use this link. Here you'll find a lot of fun and historically. 😂 https://www.youtube.com/@awestsidefabrication7888
Ådalsbandet släpper nytt
Idag, den femte december, släpper Ådalsbandet "Prästen sa". En varm och känslosam låt som har sitt ursprung i en tragisk och fruktansvärd händelse. Men där uppmaningen är att inte låta de mörka krafterna få fritt spelrum. Lyssna gärna på den eller kolla in den via den...
Five past twelve….
In just under two weeks there will be a new releaase from Ådalsbandet, more specifically on the fifth of December. Before that, I can take the opportunity to draw your attention to the fact that today it has been exactly six months since they together with Ed Harcourt...
Which four songs generated the most at this time…
So now we've received another statement from STIM, thank you very much for that. Therefore I'm updating this particular Spotify playlist to include the four songs that generated the most revenue at this specific time, this pay-off. Three new ones since the last...
An update on our Spotify playlist for 2024
Here you have an update of our Spotify annual list (includes 27 songs now!), with three releases from November. A list containing one track from each of the year's releases, from the first one in January to the most recent which equals some kind of Christmas song by...
En bra recension, mins sagt..
Hur den låter, ja så här: https://open.spotify.com/track/53aX7KZh7fcq83H2sDqsxC?si=7482828a19424863
December Days
This is a truly beautiful song, "December Days", (which is also our contribution to the pile of Christmas songs) by our very own special duo Cowboy Sad. This song, in a minor key, conveys a rather doom-filled yet hopeful and moody beautiful feeling, which can remind...
Malin Hässlemark – Imponerande solodebut
“Malin borde vara en av landets mest hyllade röster inom americana efter sina inspelningar med sköna bandet Fluru. Men alltför få har hört henne. Det här är häpnadsväckande bra. Högklassig smart, välarrangerad och producerad country med en röst som fångar och griper...
Stefan Larsson – fyra nya låtar
Stefan Larsson is the musician, composer and academic technology researcher who is constantly looking for new expressions for his inquisitive exploration. 18 years after the first release with A Westside Fabrication, then as a member of the shoegaze band Minxy Soul...
We're truly honoured to be able to release this great song (within indie-alternative rock genre) with a clear call, a clear stance. Or as the band themself says: "Ceasefire" carries the powerful message that the actions of one person can make all the difference by...
Our 2024 Spotify playlist
This is a Spotify playslist that contains one song each from all our releases so far this year (a total of eleven). From the first to the latest "If You Let Go". https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3s5ijraAy1cUU6O8dkzmdb?si=6fa0e8d52a284484
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A West Side Fabrication got a cooler sounding name!
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