A West Side
more releases
Tomorrow, two new releases. KFM´s "Försök att inte skylla på nåt" and The Culture In Memoriam´s "Sisters". Two soft songs, but that´s the only similarity. KFM is in Swedish language and it´s quite gloomy and mediative. "Sisters", with T.C.I.M. on the other hand, is an...
New video from Oh My!
The Culture In Memoriam is back from its sleep, or where ever they have been, with a new and impressing single called "Sisters", later followed by a new album. Therefore I caught up with their alias and chef in command Victor Håkansson for a few questions. First of...
Next week its time for WE ARE SHE´s new and sensational release "I can´t wait to break your heart", a hit if you ask me. The single it self is a must for all of you who like the, now a days, popular sounds from the eighties. And for notice, already now you can listen...
The Culture In Memoriam
For a couple of years ago we released an album from a person who like to call himself The Culture In Memoriam, now its time again. In a couple of weeks from now Victor Håkansson, alias The Culture In Memoriam, will be back with a brand new single ("Sisters") taken...
The Blues
Bob, your (The Blues) third single will be released next week, what can you tell us about it? - "Before you know it” is a catchy song in true TB style. The lyrics are about that you should do what’s really important to you and don’t wait or hesitate. Which is easier...
Oh My!
Their third single is out now, which also means their third single on P3´s playlist. In other words; good on you boys.
Who are these guys?
Oh My! Oh My!
Oh My! are once again back with a fantastic single (release next Tuesday), "Time Will Tell", their third in less than half a year. Therefore I had a little chit chat with the guitarist Martin Huss. So, what can you tell us about "Time Will Tell"? And compared with...
We are the Storm
This coming Saturday will We are the Storm appear at the RECession Festival in Aarhus Denmark. And for those who don´t know better, We are the Storm are absolutely brilliant, just listen to their amazing beautiful song "Shoreline";...
As mentioned earlier, this fall is going to be something real extra, with hips and loads of some truly great releases. Started last week with stairs "No knock on my door", which will be followed by Oh My!, The Blues, WE ARE SHE, The Culture In Memoriam, Pajala Truck...
No knock on my door
Now its up on Spotify, next week will it be available as down-loads. What I´m talking about, well the new stairs single of course. http://open.spotify.com/track/09SdWrjosyU0dtRrkjJPDR
100% naturligt
Riktig musik
A West Side Fabrication got a cooler sounding name!
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