Five past twelve….

In just under two weeks there will be a new releaase from Ådalsbandet, more specifically on the fifth of December. Before that, I can take the opportunity to draw your attention to the fact that today it has been exactly six months since they together with Ed Harcourt...

An update on our Spotify playlist for 2024

Here you have an update of our Spotify annual list (includes 27 songs now!), with three releases from November. A list containing one track from each of the year’s releases, from the first one in January to the most recent which equals some kind of Christmas...

December Days

This is a truly beautiful song, ”December Days”, (which is also our contribution to the pile of Christmas songs) by our very own special duo Cowboy Sad. This song, in a minor key, conveys a rather doom-filled yet hopeful and moody beautiful feeling, which...
Malin Hässlemark – Imponerande solodebut

Malin Hässlemark – Imponerande solodebut

“Malin borde vara en av landets mest hyllade röster inom americana efter sina inspelningar med sköna bandet Fluru. Men alltför få har hört henne. Det här är häpnadsväckande bra. Högklassig smart, välarrangerad och producerad country med en röst som fångar och griper...