Old Movie

”Old Movie” could be described as some kind of indie country. Definitely not country in the traditional sense or for that matter pop country. But behind this nice melody there is something that could be attributed as country touches. Like a feeling of...

Om en nyckel fanns

Saga Eserstam’s second single, ”Om en nyckel fanns”, under her own name, is also her first in Swedish. The song is written, recorded and produced by David Shutrick and Anders Pettersson.”Om det fanns en nyckel” (If there was a key, in...


 This is Mikael Jinneskog’s debut under his own name. He has previously appeared in various Örebro constellations; Stairs, Höga Berget and written songs for the two most well-known sports clubs in Örebro (ÖHK and ÖSK). He has been playing music since his early...

Wide Open Highway

Wide Open Highway is a truly energetic and dance friendly country song with extra of everything. It’s about life among the road and the love of music. It’s also Ben Carbine & The 18 Wheelers eighth release since their first one 2010.Recorded by Pär Johansson...

Det fanns ett ljus (som aldrig släcks ut)

”Det fanns ett ljus (som aldrig släcks ut)”, in english, ”There was a light (which never goes out)”, by Rickard and the Juvelerna, is both a low-key and powerful song at the same time. A broken soul on a wobbly road. However, it is not a...