Joey Moroney

The song Joey Moroney was written by Gerry Madigan and was first released by The Cotton Mill Boys in 1969. It got famous in Sweden when Yngve Forsells Orkester recorded the song. Their Swedish version ”Så gick det till när farfar var ung” was a huge hit and reached...

Carry You Home (Lykke’s song)

Second single from the Örebro duo (also brothers) Lake Omne. This particular single could be described as some kind of dreamy pop that tells us what its like to become a parent. The longing, the pride and everything that belongs to it. Which all of us who have...

Lev mens du kan

Tjalle & Anders med flera are now releasing a third single. The last two were songs that Tjalle wrote together with Magnus Löfstedt. Or rather, songs that Tjalle made clear after Magnus left earthly life. Tjalle has written lyrics and music for himself, but it is...

Hold on

 First single from the brothers Nätterlund’s new project Lake Omne. A little synth and a lot of melody. Hope you like it, we do.

Tjalle & Anders med flera

Second single from Tjalle & Anders med flera. A song that takes over where the last single ended. A song written by everyone’s long missing Magnus, where Lars ”Tjalle” Lidgren has written the music. It’s slow, thoughtful and absolutely...

Hold on

First single from the brothers Nätterlund’s new project Lake Omne. A little synth and a lot of melody. Hope you like it, we...