
The fine Örebro duo Hösdroppar is back after a period of dormancy, back with a superb fine song entitled ”Madeleine”. An emotional and special song, or as the band themselves put it: ”This is a special song for us to release, when we did not know if we ever would get...


KFM stands for Karl Fredrik Mattsson. KFM is also pop project where Mattsson releasing a new single every year for ten years. Song of the year – Tonårsrum – is number nine in the order.


Words by MODESTIJ: This is something very dear and heartfelt to me. Some kind of electronical graceland that I grew in my own backyard. Personally I think it’s probably my most honest and personal song so far. This is a brand new chapter. Now I’m bitter...


New single, the seventh in as many months, from MODESTIJ. This time around it is a low-key and tranquil song that we offer. A song that is called ”Fragments of You”, a title which is indeed very suitable. A beautiful title for an amazingly beautiful song. Or as...


What is it all runs from – and towards – nowadays? For large calorie intake or too little statement? Or just plain unhappy love?In Sanna Stuardos new single ”Run” we come closer to an answer. Clearly it is an unusually strong association of the...


With a madman’s insistence, we continue to give you superb great songs from and with MODESTIJ. CONEY ISLAND BABY is no exception, none what so ever. Or as the writer himself explains it all: ”This is not a New York pose. It’s a truly honest and...