
Super-cool indie-pop release with at twist of alternative dance vibes. One of the finest acts in the history of Swedish indie. This album contains their hit single ”Kiss Kiss”.

Lilla Amerika

Second single from KFM, alias Fredrik Mattsson, who has a quite famous elderly brother namely Andreas who has produced and played piano and guitar on this beautiful song. Other musicians who appears on this single is Niklas Korssell and Daniel Bengtson.

Stan var så liten

First KFM single on West Side´s Swedish singing label Buffel. KFM are no less than Fredrik Mattsson together with a bunch of different musicians. He´s playing pop, pure pop with thoughtful lyrics about childhood and grooving up in a small town, ”Stan var så...

No knock on my door

New single, their third, from this five piece act from the middle of Sweden who describe them self as ”The band with five badminton interested garden gnomes, who frantically tries to hold together a chaotic, but lovingly, consellation.” This time stairs...


Sprung from the very northern small town of Sweden, Pajala, are this six piece act. An act thats been on the hold for such a long time so they nearly gave up. But all of a sudden they had this radio hit ”From One Motherfucker to another” and the wheels...

I Know You

Almost on the day two months after Oh My!´s first and radio play-listed single ”Twenty One”, we are know very proud indeed of announcing their second single release ”I Know You”, and of course it will be on the radio as well, no doubt about...