The Devines is the duo of Magnus Haderborg from indie/post punk act The Vapour Veils and synthwave/dream pop band The Jilted, and Gabriel Bergman Lahovary ex screamo rockers Heart On My Sleeve and We Ahr.
The two guitarists have come together to create a blend of mesmerizing guitar driven indie with catchy hooks, dreamy atmospheres and a twist of shoegaze, all powered by Haderborg’s storytelling lyrics that pulsates with the conviction of a true beliver that moves around in the same musical landscapes like The Smiths, Interpol, The Vaccines and Inhaler. The debut album Modern Life in Urban Wastelands is set for release spring 2025, but will be preceded by a couple of single releases, of which the bright and brilliant ”Emily” will be first out on the 29th of January.
It is a stark theme of an album based on Magnus Haderborg’s years living in London; like a soundtracked novel about the people and city of London with all their divinity and ugliness. It’s a true labour of love striking with its direct melodies and lyrical punchlines about searching for meaning, fooled by love and longing while letting yourself go in the smoky veils and dreamy neon lights of London, promising dreams that will never come true.