
They have been around for years and years but to be honest they have not played together since I don´t know when. But this coming summer, they will appear on the 20th anniversary of the Trästockfestivalen (a cool summer festival in their home-town) for the first time...

To the North-Pole

We are the Storm are a heroic bombastic sextet from the city of Uppsala, who writes music that could belong in the borderland between The Arcade Fire and swedish icons Broder Daniel. This superb alternative pop/rock band is now debuting with this fantastic marvelous...

El Guapo

Super Cool new single, and thats the truth, from northern based The Blues. This duo has earlier, some six months ago, released a single, so this is their second. They have also contributed with a nice tune on our Compilation ”A West Side Fabrication Play...

Twenty One

Oh My! is a five piece act from Sundsvall, but now living in the area around Stockholm/Uppsala. As a band they haven´t existed for such a long time, actually they did their first gig ever in late 2008 after just started to rehearse. Since the gig itself turned out so...

Panic, radio edit

Penniless are back with a new single taken from their highly critical claimed album ”A Cab to the City”. The band are also of immediate with a few more gigs coming up very soon. This time they will be going to Latvia (Riga and Liepaja). They are also...

I Kissed a boy, 2011 version

Jupither is once again back, this time they will reemerge on the music scene releasing the single “I Kissed a boy”, which is an exclusive interpretation of Kate Perry’s “I kissed a girl”. The song (from Jupither) was originally released on our compilation...