Nazi disco at the boarding school

Well then we release song number two, this fall/winter, from Gothenburg-based Den Store Ledaren, song two with which is equal to one of the coolest titles this year, as well as many other years. The quartet mixes freely (all according to their own statement) between...

Ingen uppgång, bara fall

Now we release this incredibly cool indie-alternative gem of a song (by and with Rickard och Juvelerna). A song that is both powerful and menacingly dark.Please listen, it’s well worth it....

All My Reasons Why

    ”All My Reasons Why” – Malin Sofia, WeCD 439 Malin Sofia may be an up and coming artist in the sense that ”All My Reasons Why” is her debut release. A debut release that goes in some kind of modern country pop spirit.But with that...

Go, go Johnny L’amour

”Go, go Johnny L’amour” – Rickard och Juvelerna, Buf.s 113 Super track by and with the great people of Rickard och Juvelerna. As always, lyrics that is something extra. Certainly hope you all will appreciate this...

The Light In Me

The fourth single from Saga Eserstam is this modern 3 minute modern pop gem that is about finding your inner light, trusting yourself and daring to choose your own path. The production is sparse but still pompous in its execution and can almost be compared to a power...

Who Are You

”Who Are You” is the story of an invisible thief and an invisible theft. A description of a struggle for life, self and the insight and the greatness of moving on after a dizzying time of burnout and exhaustion.”Who Are You” is also a wonderful...