A West Side
December Days
This is a truly beautiful song, "December Days", (which is also our contribution to the pile of Christmas songs) by our very own special duo Cowboy Sad. This song, in a minor key, conveys a rather doom-filled yet hopeful and moody beautiful feeling, which can remind...
Som kärlek är
”Som kärlek är” är en vacker, storslagen och lite mörk indie-pärla med mycket värme och lite svärta. En låt för denna årstid och alla andra årstider. Eller som bandet själva låter förmedla; ”Som kärlek är”; Har vi glömt vad kärlek är? Har vi slutat bry oss? Ser vi...
Dödens Språk
"Dödens språk” är en otroligt känslosam och storslagen låt med verklighetsbakgrund. Låten i sig har en form som påminner om psalmer och som textförfattaren Mikael själv säger; - min ursprungliga tanke var att framföra den på kyrkorgel. Att skriva den var ett sätt att...
Aldrig samma flod
Aldrig samma flod - Stefan Larsson, Buf.s 135 Stefan Larsson är musikern, akademikern och AI-forskaren som ständigt letar ny uttryck för sitt frågvisa utforskande. Eller som Stefan själv säger; - Musiken är en mental expansion och mer direkt känslomässigt komplement...
A Man Like Me
Our country heroes in Ben Carbine & the 18 Wheelers are back with another song release, as we today bring you this stompy tune, with a great chorus. https://open.spotify.com/track/3i0m7pGYYkEzxHg7jAh8gC?si=5a06928169294da5
The Silence in the Lake
Recently, two weeks ago, we released Stefan Larsson's beautiful and atmospheric pop gem "Se dig aldrig om" (Never look back). Now comes single number two, "The Silence in the Lake". If the first one was pure pop, this one is more alternative in its structure. A bit...
It is easy to feel that it is hopeless to influence a war with a message of peace. But if no one raises their voice to defend innocent people, it feels even worse. We are happy to participate in this peace project for Ådalsbandet. And hope that more people will shout...
Se dig aldrig om
Now we release this fine-tuned and troll-friendly pop melody, "Se dig aldig om", by Stefan Larsson.A song that asks the classic question - about who you are and where you are going. Skillfully and nicely pop-packaged by producer Petter Eriksson. You are more than...
Vid ditt öga
Vid ditt öga (By your eye) is a song that talks about seeing but still groping. About traveling without coming back. About wanting, but not getting. About looking but never finding. A song that tells something about us all. It's also a powerful indie-pop song, filled...
Staden har vingar
The trio Höga Berget from Örebro started by writing tribute songs to the sports clubs ÖHK and ÖSK, which were released under the name of singer Alexander Nätterlund. When these songs were appreciated by many and achieved great success among the team's supporters, they...
By My Baby Tonight
Today we're releasing new stuff by and with Ben Carbine & The !8 Wheelers.Which is equal to a wonderful up pill for all the life-enjoyers out there. So put on your dancing shoes and take a spin with Skellefteå's best country ensemble. With numerous releases over...
We're now releasing Mytoman's (from Uppsala) debut EP. A four-track EP with two songs in English and two songs in Swedish, where the opening track "Har Du Gått Vidare?" is a song with a classic indie pop feel, or as the band themselves put it: "Har Du Gått Vidare? is...
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